Rough Draft Inquiry 3

Tom Stoner

Whitney Soares

English 112

7 April 2013

Journal of Josiah Young, Citizen of Rapture

            The first journal entry will be from January 19th, 1951. It is Young’s first day in Rapture with his new wife, Katie Young. With the first entry, I plan on outlining Josiah’s first impressions of Rapture, keying in the reader perhaps to a few of the motives he had for traveling there in the first place. He will describe his first trip to Fort Frolic as well as his overall pleasure with the city as a whole. This diary entry will be long and descriptive as it takes place after his first week in the city.

            The next entry will be highlighting much of the inequity in Rapture as Josiah loses his job and is forced to work for very low wages doing menial labor. Many of the people he works with have lost their homes and are forced to leave in the streets in the poorest areas of Rapture. It is meant to show how Rapture claims to be a utopia but in reality it shares many characteristics of a dystopia, even long before the civil war.

            After this, another entry in the journal describes how ADAM is changing things for the worse. Drastic physical changes are taking place because of the new substance. Josiah’s wife is a victim of the demented Dr. Steinmann, leading Josiah to fall into depression, losing the low paying job that he has and forcing him to move into one of Fontaine’s Poor houses. This further displays the gross inequity of the pure market economics of Rapture.

            Next, Josiah informs us how many of his chamber mates have been turned into Splicers, some of which have been used to fight Andrew Ryan’s forces. This is the last entry that Josiah gives us and he goes into great detail explaining how Rapture has torn apart his family. He explains how far Rapture has indeed fallen and where he thinks many of the people in charge had gone wrong. In a society with very few rules, conflict over power is inevitable.

            It is important for me to note here that the journal will be presented as individual pieces of paper with perhaps cursive font to make them appear handwritten. Also, included with the entries will be photos of the places talked about.

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