Bioshock Blog

The game Bioshock is actually quite disturbing as far as video games go. I am impressed by how intense the game can be at certain points with stunning realism in spite of the fact that the game is so sci-fi based. 

“Medical Pavillion” is a particularly disturbing level. The concept that ADAM caused mutations to people in such a way that they wished to have plastic surgery is unsettling. Dr. Steinman is quite insane. His quest for “perfection” when dealing with his patients in reality drives him to distort them more than they were before. ADAM had a pretty terrible effect on him.

“Neptune’s Bounty” is intriguing in that you are made somewhat aware of the smuggling that was going on in Rapture such as Bibles and crucifixes being brought into the city. 

In “Smuggler’s Hideout,” we are exposed to the extent of the smuggling that was going on in Rapture. Fontaine’s men had been going topside twice a week to smuggle in illicit items that otherwise couldn’t be found in Rapture. 

Personally, “Arcadia” was my favorite level at this point. It was so interesting to see what an underwater green area would look like and the presence of these plants make Rapture seem much more plausible yet surreal at the same time. 

The bees in “Farmer’s Market” were particularly obnoxious in my opinion. Aside from that, the concept of a true fresh veggie market in an underwater city as early as 1948 is truly astounding! The unfortunate thing about Bioshock is that Rapture was such a wonderful concept early on.

“Fort Frolic” would have been my favorite place to be in Rapture before everything fell apart. As the entertainment capital of the city, it would have been really neat to see it in proper working order. Every civilization has their own distinct form of art and Rapture is no exception.