Revisions on Inquiry 3

So my rough draft looks nothing like my final draft, but that’s ok. I went about the revisions in a different format as I looked at them more in the terms of revising as I go as opposed to redoing it after it was completed. My project is in the form of a journal and I really enjoyed diving into the intricacies of writing someone else’s journal for them. That seems really odd to me and its definitely not something I’ve really tried to do before. I enjoy the challenge of putting myself in someone else’s shoes. Creating the world of an entirely different person in and of itself is also a bit challenging. 

The strengths of this project format, in my opinion, is that I allow for a look into Rapture during the good times, before everything started going awry, and I can show that at least economically, the city was doomed from the beginning. That is the crux of my entire argument. So we will see Rapture in a different light than Andrew Ryan wanted us to.

One of my weaknesses is that I had to do a lot of research in order to create these scenes. Also, the overwhelming majority of my project takes place before the time frame of the game is realized so much of what I write about is based in speculation as to what I think the situation would be like.

All in all, I really feel strongly about my project and the new format in which it shows my critique of the city of Rapture.

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